Monday, January 17, 2011

All gall is in Florida

From my Latin Primer in high school the first sentence we learned was "omnia
Gallia in tres partes divisa est"--all Gaul (France) is divided in three parts. The
latest action in the Florida legislature makes a wondrous play on words. The amount of sheer, senseless gall, and the bizarre timing of the event defies belief.
An act has been introduced permitting the open carry by anyone of firearms, everywhere
but inside schoolrooms.
I defy anyone to produce valid statistics, not anecdotes, showing that the incidence of crime has been reduced in any state allowing open carry. There is no such evidence.
There will be however a marked increase in gun violence because too many people are
not capable of anger management. When two armed individuals face off in some real or
imagined offense the temptation will be to draw and fire first. Second place means little when you are dead. I can visualize on I95 a daily event---someone inadvertently cuts in front of another driver in another lane. It has happened that
the driver so cut off shoots the other in anger and frustration. A life lost, families devastated for an insignificant incident. Now when everyone is armed
perhaps we will get a shoot out between both drivers, each fearful the other will get off the first shot. Whoop-dee-do, what entertainment for the by-standers! This is
what the NRA and their intimidated legislators envisage as a blessing for Florida.

There is a valid aphorism that repeating the same action and expecting a different result is a sign of insanity. Has the U. S. society actually become safer and less
afflicted with crime as more states allow everyone to openly carry guns? Where are the facts indicating that? No Florida, don't surrender one of our few signs of a civilized society. Say NO to open carry, and no to guns for all.

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

Strict gun control is needed. BUT two facts remain:

1. Some people just crack up, they will kill students on the campus, their friends in high school, their family, or strangers whom they resent in Tucson.

2. The NRA is not responsible for the criminal actions of weirdoes just like the Car Dealers are not responsible for the fifty thousand people killed on the road each year .

Our modern world encourages violence.

1) TV shows and movies promote violent scenes where the hero empties his submachine gun ad infinitum killing all his enemies.

2 )Best selling electronic games encourage shooting as many people as possible in a session to reach the next plateau. Killing on the screen is easy, clean and it does not seem to have consequences. Just reset to Start.

These two billion dollar industries are warping the mind of unstable people into vengeful supermen. We need to reestablish our moral values fast. “Cesar venit Gallium summa diligentia”. Where is our ethics proctor?

A Kalashnikov AK47 weighs under 4 pounds. It has a 30 bullet magazine and can kill a target up to 1300 meters. Very powerful, simple and a weapon readily available on the parallel market and in Afghanistan. Anyone with a grudge?