Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fascinating dialogue

The Tuscon massacre has invigorated the tweeter world argument on guns pro and con.
I never acquired the skill to tweet. Perhaps it is because I still revere the
English language as an exalted means of communicating ideas and emotions and not
as a medium for practicing the cryptographers art. If the creator, or evolution had meant for us to talk with our thumbs I am certain that by now they would contain lips
and teeth, to say nothing about tongue and voice box. And above all A CONNECTION TO A BRAIN.

In an effort to find out what the tweeter world feels about the de facto unregulated world of gun use and ownership I have taken to reading a variety of blogs, columns, and conversations among tweeters, second amendment zealots, the Brady Bunch control
advocates and a garden variety of blood-and guts hunters. What strikes me most forcefully in the material I have seen is the lack of logical reasoning on the part of the gun loving fanatics. Their rhetoric is about fear. Someone is out to subvert
my nation, and their first step will be to take my guns away from me---over my
dead body, or theirs! "The government is no longer willing or able to protect my
liberty and property," so I must be prepared to change it, by bullets if necessary.
And one more tactic is to demean and abuse those who think otherwise--calling them
vile names, and ordering them back to someplace from which they never came.

If there is no longer any room for reason, that way lies chaos!

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