Monday, January 31, 2011

Now the smoke has cleared........

.....we can see the trees that compose the forest. They come in huge variety. Some hug the ground stealing the sun from seedlings which are challenged to grow tall
and develop a canopy to get their share. That canopy provides habitat for beautiful
birds whose color and songs bring us joy. The ground huggers provide habitat for
numerous creatures which clean the forest floor and in turn are food for felines, predatory birds, snakes and small mammals.
This symbiotic arrangement enables the animal kingdom to be free of constant conflict. There is no species with a goal to acquire power over others or get control
of all the assets.
In every human society the government of whatever form, whether democratic republic,
or oligarchy , the drive by the rulers are to accumulate power and control of resources for the benefit of some particular class or group, usually called "party".
The greatest good for the greatest number makes a good slogan to divert voters but
it doesn't influence policy.
Perhaps we should follow that old adage "leave it to the birds!"

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