Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is Success an Option?

So many people, including those at S & P, the leading financial rating agency
have concluded the U.S. is on the brink of financial collapse that it has become conventional wisdom, thus coloring policy decisions, as well as campaign rhetoric. Whether collapse is likely may be subject for debate, but there should be no debate about the need to prepare the American public for the change in
our status to a second tier player on the international stage and financial
structure. Not that the change would be harmful to America. We need and could wisely use a respite from the role and burdens of being policeman to the world. And the European Union has reached the point where it can do that.
If we accept and exploit our new status it will offer resources which we can devote to our financial problems and avoid collapse entirely. That is a desirable option if we can muster the willpower to do it. CAN WE?

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