Monday, February 28, 2011

Bang, you're dead

Those of my readers who are among my personal friends may be aware
that for several months I have had health problems which put in question my survival on any given day. Nevertheless things are too dull
for me so I want to introduce a blog topic which is guaranteed to bring plenty of excitement for you and me. For doing so, among the plagues which are likely to descend on me are Bile, Calumny and Ostracism.
The subject is a clause in a document written 300 years ago, when the nation was tiny and no one could even imagine the size, population government structure and state of development as we know it today--
the Second Amendment to the constitution.
Except for the emotional
and commercial content involved in the manufacture and sale of firearms
there is no sensible reason for any one other than those who need them
in the line of duty to possess a deadly handgun.
I am aware of the powerful passions aroused at the mere mention of guns
in the context of control of their possession and display. It is not my desire
or intent to enter that minefield. What I want to do is survey my diverse
readership on their opinions. I will then try, in a non-judgemental
fashion, to present some options for my readers to consider and debate, hopefully in the interest of reducing the number of gun caused deaths.
In the near future I will post a few questions to which I hope a significant number of you will reply.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Era of the Eastern Giants

The era that is beginning now will be known as the Eastern Giants, China, So. Korea and Taiwan. The United States is in eclipse on
the world stage. We still retain a powerful military (for which we are unable to pay) and can use it to punish or influence countries or regions which displease us. That also will be gone in a relatively brief time. But the loss of our hegemonic position may be good for us. It will remove from us any temptation to again act as world policeman, get us out of
our disastrous foreign adventures and impose restraint on our self
appointed role to impose our democratic system upon others who are not
yet ready for such a societal change. The events of the day in the middle East show that when a people are ready and willing to die for freedom
they bring it about at their time.
Free from our immense military and world wide bases we will be able to exploit our vast natural resources, our highly productive manpower and
enormous technological capability to build a new industrial base devoted
to a green economy , and once again creating the brain power that
made us the largest economy in the world.
But for that to happen our
people, ALL our people must accept that there are no more free rides
for a privileged few. All will be required to sacrifice in the form of higher
taxes to pay off our debts, and to finance our rebirth.
What kind of world policy can we expect from the Eastern Giants?
For certain they will not take on the roles of world policeman. They
will keep their noses out of the internal affairs of other nations except to
assure access to raw materials under favorable terms. They will deal
with the elements in control to create markets for the enormous productive capacity which their vast manpower (many highly educated and trained at state expense) delivers. Ideology will take second place to commerce.
So let us Americans accept the new facts of economic and and political
life as they are, abandon illusions about what our financial capabilities
are, get to work, and act responsibly. We were, and can and WILL be
a great nation again.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


For the "mighty naval power" that is the United States to be held as impotent hostages to a band of rag tag thugs in Somalia is the ultimate national embarrassment. A nation that fails to defend its citizens on the
high seas forfeits its status as a great power.
The annals of naval warfare offer many examples of tactics that have
eliminated the problem. All begin with a demand that all hostages be freed at once, unharmed and in good condition. If this demand is ignored, or if the hostages are threatened, a series of punitive measures are begun.
First, the coast of the offending nation is mined and completely blockaded. Vessels may enter or leave only with armed escort, for innocent purposes such as fishing.
Second, any vessel discovered outside the mined area that does not have
proper clearance will be evacuated and sunk. The crew may choose
to go down with the ship.
Third, if there is still no compliance, the systematic destruction of all
vessels in ports and on the coast, will begin, including the fishing fleet.
The disruption to the food supply will exert great pressure on whomever is in charge.
Fourth, a series of small land excursions could be carried out as possible
rescue and punishment.
We shall soon see if the U. S. has lost its will to remain a world power!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

PIRACY, an act of war

World history is replete with Piracy. It has been an act of statecraft from medieval
times, used to extract concessions from an opposing power, or simply to rob weaker nations of booty. At times it was used to capture hostages of strategic value in
inter-nations affairs. From time to time the exercise of piracy got out of hand. The
pirates began to operate as free agents. When that occurred sovereign nations responded by taking armed action to punish those involved, and keep the enterprise

Modern piracy, as practiced in the Atantic off the coast of Somalia is simply a
criminal affair involving hostages for ransom. It flourishes in countries with
non-functioning governments which cannot exercise control over populations scattered over large areas, and with ruling authorities who share the loot. The powerful
maritime nations cannot permit it to continue. It disrupts international commerce and increases the cost of products. Inevitably the consequences escalate as happened today when four American citizens were executed in an attempt by the pirates to prevent boarding of the hostage vessel by U. S. Navy troops.
That tragedy compounds what began as an act of war, and demands a forceful response.
Somalia is one place diplomacy won't work.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where is Nero when you need a fiddler?

The world is alight with the fires of insurrection against the entrenched oligarchs
in the middle East. But the movement seems to be fragmented among many disparate groups. It could benefit from some form of central direction, to move the forces of public opinion and outrage in the most strategic direction where the oppressors are most vulnerable at each moment. Divide and conquer is the defense of the entrenched regimes. The reform movement needs to recognize their common purpose and join in a
mutual assistance pact. It will be very dangerous to the leaders of such a joint effort--assassination is the common tactic used against one's opponents in mid-east politics. But the end is worth some deaths; liberty doesn't come cheap.
The United States and the European Union can provide the leadership, training, political support and legitimacy, and financial resources to assure success of a united movement. What is needed is the recognition by the West of the benefits a successful reform movement will yield to the entire world. Do we have the vision?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We have met the enemy.......

.....and he is us. The current budget process going on between the Republicans and Democrats is a charade and a fraud. The good ship America is sinking and the leaders of both parties are dithering about the placement of the deck chairs. Our debt problem is so enormous that slashing 61, or even 100 Billion from the current deficit budget will do no more than slow the rate of growth of the accumulated debt. What it will do is devastate many lives and futures and destroy any likely remedy. The way to reduce debt is to PAY IT OFF. That would require not only intelligent budget cuts, but also increased government revenue, which can only come from increased economic activity, and increased taxes from those with means to pay. The prevailing mood among the Tea Party members and right wingers is that taxes are the root of all evil, and that it is preferable to demolish all government programs than to pay for a civilized society. That way lies third world status for most Americans, and an oligarchical society. How ironic that the system which enabled so many to become affluent is now viewed by them as the enemy.
We are rapidly approaching default and bankruptcy. Without a will to sacrifice to
save the American Dream for the next generation we will have accomplished our destruction, which no combination of military powers or terrorists could have done.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Judy, Judy, Judy!

Since I have become physically less able, from time to time I am the recipient
of acts of kindness by strangers, which make my daily tasks less daunting. Some
do things that require little time and effort and it passes as simple good manners. Others take an extra moment to bring confidence and comfort to their act. This afternoon at Bloomingdales I wanted to exit through two sets of heavy swinging doors.
A lovely Canadian woman, Judy Chapdelaine noticed my intent and stopped to assist
me, including ushering aside others approaching the doors. Once outside she asked if she could assist me on my way, the entire action done with grace and charm. Thank you Judy. You made me feel valued.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Requiem for a Great Nation

The United States is approaching financial and social chaos aided and abetted by a
band of vandals who have invaded our walls. They are intent on bludgeoning the middle class into servitude by eliminating collective bargaining, voiding the contracts previously negotiated, and eviscerating the labor laws which gave us the middle class with the highest standard of living in the world.
If this statement seems exaggerated take a look at the proposals in Wisconsin for one. The financial elite is convinced that the solution to our deficit budgets is to convert the middle class
into some third world peons controlled by the elite. They are too ideologically blind to recognize that the prosperous middle class is the foundation of the economy
which made us the dominant nation and which enabled them to accumulate their wealth.

Our deficit problems began when we abandoned fiscal responsibility and began spending beyond our national income. This trend was further accelerated when congress was corrupted into manipulating the Income Tax laws to provide generous tax shelters for corporate and wealthy taxpayers, thus starving the federal government of income. With the strength of the American economy, and the strong dollar the international credit markets invested huge sums in our debt. We were awash with money for social programs, a costly defense establishment, and building an empire, with foreign wars and bases everywhere.
The American economic system is built like a Lego structure. It comprises numerous
agencies and programs, all, fitting into an interlocking and interdependent mosaic.
Some are essential for economic recovery, some support the social benefit structure
amd some run all the Government operations. To slash the budgets in an across-the- board fashion, without regard to the disruptions in essential programs could lead to
calamities of untold dimensions.Yet this is what the vandals intend, all with the aim
of reaching some preset figure of deficit reduction. That is not governing, it is

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

EGYPT, Inventory

The freedom movement won the first, major battle for democracy, but the war has just begun. To consolidate the initial victory, parties must be organized, with platforms informing the public what they stand for. Candidates must be chosen to wage
campaigns convincing the voters. There must be a formal, protected honest election for a constitutional convention and provisional parliament. After
the elections the new government must create the entire infra-structure of a functioning state at all levels. During this period various factions will be trying
to undermine the process, among them the radical Islamists. Tactics will include terror bombings, political assassinations, and economic sabotage. Egypt is too valuable a prize for the other Arab dictatorships to allow to slip into freedom.
And the cronies of the Mubarak Mafia will not go quietly into exile.
The key to success is the army. If it devotes itself to bringing democracy to the nation it has the power to maintain an orderly transition process. It knows who and where all the principal players are, and can remove them from the scene if necessary. The European Union can and should play a vital role in helping implement the development of the government infra-structure, organizing parties and elections, and above all supporting the Army. It is very much in their self interest to do so. If they neglect to help the bad guys in the neighborhood will be glad to get involved.
Is the Egyptian freedom contagion likely to spread to the neighboring Arab dictatorships? Not likely, because in those states all the armed forces are thugs
on government payrolls, and their interests lie with maintaining the status quo.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Update, Gerontology Project

From the number, quality and enthusiasm of the volunteers, the project bodes well.
Keep in mind the purpose: To change the role and perception that the increasing
aged population represents a burden to society and they must be allowed to languish away, adapting to the status quo as best they can. We are going to
change their role so their accumulated experience and wisdom is seen as an asset.
In the process their lives will become richer and more fulfilled. That will require
changes in societal attitudes and infra-structure, all favorable to progress.
Thank you all for joining this crusade.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Hallelujah, Huzzah and Hooray, the iron boot has been removed from the necks of the
Egyptian masses. The army finally recognized that its future is irrevocably bound with the Egyptian masses and pushed Mubarak into oblivion. I hope all will now
concentrate on building a government of the people, by the people and for the people
and not indulge in an orgy of vengeance or theocratic strife.
The youth of Egypt deserve the opportunities that now lie before it. Western
political and economic leaders must extend every possible aid and support to
bring into being a progressive modern Arab state that has for so long been missing in the Middle East. The energy and desire is in the population. Give them the tools and inspiration! Bring them to our universities and research centers. Send our best to theirs. This is the moment for joint efforts between East and West. Both will benefit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wither Florida?

Gov. Rick Scott has released the new state budget, in a ceremony in of all places a Tea Party gathering in a church. The insensitivity to the character of a state
and the importance to citizens of all political persuasions, is breathtaking.

Recently the state borrowed a huge sum of money with which to lure high tech
research centers such as Scripss, Max Planck, Torrey Pines and others to our state.
The purpose was to establish a growth center for cutting edge research which would attract satellite industries offering thousands of well paid jobs to highly trained employees and make a significant dent in Florida's unemployment. But from whence will those highly skilled employees come--from abroad, other states? Why not from Florida? For that to happen the administration must include in the budget a substantial investment in higher education facilities, faculties and student recruitment. None of those priorities appear in the budget. The high hopes purchased
at such high cost are being neglected in a budget process designed to demonstrate how tough the new governor can be, not how smart. The high tech center is an asset to be exploited, not left to blossom on its own.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Playing with fire, while firing the fire dept.

Within some three weeks The House will be dealing with the new federal budget.
Many of the newly elected right wingers are seriously planning massive cuts in all
programs without regard to their merits, or their contribution to our recovery from
the deep recession which bedevils the nation. They are prepared to shut down the federal government if that's what it takes to get their way. Apparently they haven't a vague notion of the disastrous consequences on our credit markets of such a cavalier action. We as a nation may soon see the consequences of electing members of
Congress based on emotions rather than wisdom and judgment.
The nation has operated on a deficit budget for decades. We finance even basic operations such as defense using borrowed money. Because we are such a huge market, the nations which sell to us are willing to
lend us the money to buy from them. We have
become addicted to this system and now use it to finance almost all government operations and programs. The wealthy want a free ride and fight against all taxes. The middle class is now impoverished and cannot pay more taxes.Our consumption is financed by credit, increasing the national deficit. As a result of these structural defects we are unable and unwilling to take the painful measures which could gradually eliminate the deficits: increased savings and taxes devoted to actually paying down the debt.
To try to change the deficit financing system now, without taking the steps to pay off the debt will fail. So we must continue on the same path and hope our creditors
will continue to finance our profligacy. When they stop we will enter bankruptcy
and the great American Legend will end.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Joining the informed

The Feb 6th edition of the New York Times carries a series of opinion pieces by the
most esteemed and best informed columnists on the American scene, dealing with the events in Egypt. Also dealt with are the impacts the turmoil is having on Jordan.
Most of the writers are on the scene, in Egypt, and Jordan and have been present at many demonstrations, at danger to their own life and limb.
Included in the group are such informed and keen observers as Frank Rich, Tom Friedman, Nicholas Kristof, David Brooks and Roger Cohen. Reading their articles
will yield a broad understanding of events in that region, and America's neglect
and lack of awareness of the powerful forces for change that are arrayed as well as our vital stakes in events there.
I am gratified to find my writings, which preceded theirs have been in essential agreement with their opinions and observations. If that makes me a N. Y. Times
liberal, I glory in the designation.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Surrounding the Vortex

The cauldron bubbling in Egypt could spill over and burn a number of its neighbors. Not the McDonalds coffee type of superficial skin scald. The burn will be third degree, deep into the muscle which supports their fragile governments and desperate populations. From No. Africa to the rim of Asia there is not one Arab
state that can be considered stable, and offering a decent standard of living to their inhabitants. The oil sheikdoms, Dubai, Oman, Quatar are the exceptions because they have an artificial prosperity supported by oil. Without the oil their magnificent buildings would revert to sand dunes.

Egypt has been the anchor and foundation of what could be the revival of a great
civilization rivalling the Byzantine. Using modern technology in place of a grazing
economy, the deserts could be made to bloom once more, as the Israelis have demonstrated. With adequate grains, fruits, vegetables and animal husbandry the populace could supply its own needs with a surplus for export to get foreign
currency for capital development. Using that capital to develope infrastructure that
would support high tech manufacturing, their large populations could grow into
a light industry economy. But if Egypt falls the example would be disastrous. The
mullah led Jihadists would control everywhere. Anger, hate and envy would be the
behavioral norm. There is a surplus of that allready. America, do all that you must
to assure this revolution succeeds!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


.....has awakened from decades of slumber and is roaring in rage because of the
decline which the autocratic Mubarak reign has imposed on the nation. Egypt's population is among the youngest in the world, and it is also the nation with the highest youth unemployment. The young men and women of Egypt are bright and ambitious, not yet contaminated with Islamic zeal for Jihad. They want opportunity to
participate freely and openly in national debate regarding access to the world of
technology. They hold no fear that relaxation of the iron fist will bring in its wake a radical Islamic regime. They feel the numbers and momentum are with them, enough to crush the Brotherhood if it tries to preempt the revolution.
The American administration and media are paralyzed with fear that the largest Islamic state will somehow disintegrate into another rogue such as Iran. That drives the Israelis, the Saudis and the Americans bananas. But this time the odds are overwhelmingly on the side of democracy and modernity.
Obama, cast off the grip of caution. Reach out to the future, which can be ours.
Hanging on to remnants of power through Mubarak is the path of cowardice, not caution. The youth of Arabia will curse us, and justly so, if we deprive them of this
first good hope of democracy.