Sunday, February 13, 2011

Update, Gerontology Project

From the number, quality and enthusiasm of the volunteers, the project bodes well.
Keep in mind the purpose: To change the role and perception that the increasing
aged population represents a burden to society and they must be allowed to languish away, adapting to the status quo as best they can. We are going to
change their role so their accumulated experience and wisdom is seen as an asset.
In the process their lives will become richer and more fulfilled. That will require
changes in societal attitudes and infra-structure, all favorable to progress.
Thank you all for joining this crusade.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Yes, Sir!

This undertaking is growing legs I could never have even anticipated but the purpose of the project is not about any of us as individuals. The purpose is the thousands of American elderly who need and deserve all the attention that can be provided.

The Gerontology Contributors blog is intended for those who are willing to spend a few hours providing insight, references and, most importantly, resources for those who have hitherto felt left behind, ignored, or abandoned by a society they worked so hard to develop.

The project has already discovered numerous resources that can be most useful and is destined to discover many more. The only thing lacking is dedicated contributors prepared to do the hard work of forming a cohesive package available to anyone that perceives a need for the help.

Bless you for starting this endeavor!