Wednesday, February 16, 2011

EGYPT, Inventory

The freedom movement won the first, major battle for democracy, but the war has just begun. To consolidate the initial victory, parties must be organized, with platforms informing the public what they stand for. Candidates must be chosen to wage
campaigns convincing the voters. There must be a formal, protected honest election for a constitutional convention and provisional parliament. After
the elections the new government must create the entire infra-structure of a functioning state at all levels. During this period various factions will be trying
to undermine the process, among them the radical Islamists. Tactics will include terror bombings, political assassinations, and economic sabotage. Egypt is too valuable a prize for the other Arab dictatorships to allow to slip into freedom.
And the cronies of the Mubarak Mafia will not go quietly into exile.
The key to success is the army. If it devotes itself to bringing democracy to the nation it has the power to maintain an orderly transition process. It knows who and where all the principal players are, and can remove them from the scene if necessary. The European Union can and should play a vital role in helping implement the development of the government infra-structure, organizing parties and elections, and above all supporting the Army. It is very much in their self interest to do so. If they neglect to help the bad guys in the neighborhood will be glad to get involved.
Is the Egyptian freedom contagion likely to spread to the neighboring Arab dictatorships? Not likely, because in those states all the armed forces are thugs
on government payrolls, and their interests lie with maintaining the status quo.

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