Sunday, February 27, 2011

Era of the Eastern Giants

The era that is beginning now will be known as the Eastern Giants, China, So. Korea and Taiwan. The United States is in eclipse on
the world stage. We still retain a powerful military (for which we are unable to pay) and can use it to punish or influence countries or regions which displease us. That also will be gone in a relatively brief time. But the loss of our hegemonic position may be good for us. It will remove from us any temptation to again act as world policeman, get us out of
our disastrous foreign adventures and impose restraint on our self
appointed role to impose our democratic system upon others who are not
yet ready for such a societal change. The events of the day in the middle East show that when a people are ready and willing to die for freedom
they bring it about at their time.
Free from our immense military and world wide bases we will be able to exploit our vast natural resources, our highly productive manpower and
enormous technological capability to build a new industrial base devoted
to a green economy , and once again creating the brain power that
made us the largest economy in the world.
But for that to happen our
people, ALL our people must accept that there are no more free rides
for a privileged few. All will be required to sacrifice in the form of higher
taxes to pay off our debts, and to finance our rebirth.
What kind of world policy can we expect from the Eastern Giants?
For certain they will not take on the roles of world policeman. They
will keep their noses out of the internal affairs of other nations except to
assure access to raw materials under favorable terms. They will deal
with the elements in control to create markets for the enormous productive capacity which their vast manpower (many highly educated and trained at state expense) delivers. Ideology will take second place to commerce.
So let us Americans accept the new facts of economic and and political
life as they are, abandon illusions about what our financial capabilities
are, get to work, and act responsibly. We were, and can and WILL be
a great nation again.

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

Posted at the end of Marty's Blog:” We were, and can and WILL be a great nation again.”

We are STILL a great nation. We are great consumers of imported products from China and others. We are great producers ourselves.We have the top standard of living. We have the greatest armed forces deployed around the world to promote democracy and assert our might . Our Navy with its aircraft carriers is around the globe to bring relief and protection to the stricken spots.
Thank you China, for flooding our markets with inexpensive goods. We remain the producers of sophisticated and refined products and leaders in medicine, literature, film and TV, R and D, living standards.
We will remain a great nation as long as we recognize temporary economic problems and implement solutions to assure our might.