Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Genie Has Escaped

Reviewing events now occuring in North Korea, Iran, and Israel-Palestine, it is becoming increasingly obvious to me that we will not resolve the problem of nuclear proliferation by diplomatic means. That Genie is allready at loose in the world, and it won't take long before he will be at the service of the most unstable terrorists.
MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, worked in the case of US vs Soviets because both sides had too much to lose, and their leaders had strong survival instincts.
In the radical states, fanatical elements with strong death wishes are immune to such restraints.
The Arab states will consider real peace with Israel as unacceptable, until their fear of a nuclear, Shia, Iran overcomes their hatred of a Jewish state in their midst. By the time they awaken to where their best interests lie, it will be too late.
In Asia, a bellicose No. Korea will continue to be provocative, blackmailing the
world with threats. Deteriorating conditions within their own borders may lead them
into some incident which could potentially lead to a nuclear confrontation. They may also provide a weapon to terrorists to use against the West. Such an attack, without a return address, could result in mass, indiscriminate retaliation--the Apocalypse.

As it appears we cannot learn to live together harmoniously, I fear we may be destined to perish together erroneously.

1 comment:

David Anderson said...

We know that Bush did not understand the Muslim mind; does Obama? The answer will decide the course of history over the next century. If he does not, there may be no history to write.