Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Grand Illusion

The Obama administration has ramped up the momentum for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It appears that they have assumed a mirage is reality.
Without exception every leader in the Muslim world, religious or political, believes that a democratic Jewish state in the middle east is an abomination. They are unanimous that it must be eliminated--that the land must be cleansed of every trace of Jewish presence. Where they are not in unanimity is in tactics and time span to
bring that about. Some have publicly announced that they are willing to accept two
states for a time, during which they count on demographics to weaken the Jewish nature of Israel, while they arm and prepare for its final extinction. None are willing to make the attempt now because of Israeli military power, and the will of its people to survive.
What the Arabs do not understand, and the Western world barely understands, is that
"never again" is the existentialist core of the Israelis. When a final solution attack comes, the Israelis will unleash Armageddon on its attackers. Almost all will perish. The Israeli policy is to try to avert the catastrophe now by quarantining
the Palestinian territories, maintaining its nuclear deterrence and military
power, keeping its eastern border settlements for strategic depth, and reaching out
for peace to any reasonable, honest broker. Concessions now by Israel are seen as
rewards for the Arab tactic of piecemeal erosion of the Jewish state. Will the U.S.
and Europe be more secure without a secure Israel?

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