Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

The annual Memorial Day concert from Washington has just concluded. It was a joy
to participate in an orgy of pure patriotism and memorial for the millions of our
war dead and maimed. Throughout our history a relative few have given up so much for the safety and security of the many, in our, and other lands.
Ours is a great, unique, nation. Our founding ideals speak to the noble natures that can reside in all mankind, but we have perfected and nurtured them more than any other peoples. We have rescued large parts of the world from tyranny, at the cost of
great material and human treasure, expecting no spoils for ourselves. We have used our wealth for the aid and comfort of billions of depressed people whether by disease, natural disasters, or genocidal conflicts.

Yet, in one arena of human relations we have not succeeded in living up to our ideals. We have failed to anticipate, or avoid war by our intellect and statecraft.
War is a failure of diplomacy. It is an attempt to resolve disputes by the most
primitive means: "I will make my point by killing and maiming more of your people, and devastate more of your real estate, than you do mine. That will convince you
that right is on my side". Of course, solutions by intellect and diplomacy require the consent and efforts of all sides. That may be nearly impossible to achieve, particularly when our opposites do not share our ideals, or possess our wealth.

Which way is a more desirable resolution, therefor requiring whatever amount of effort and time short of surrender, to solve the problem?

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