Monday, March 14, 2011

Where is America when freedom calls?

Many people, at home and abroad, are wondering if we have lost our zeal
for political and individual freedom because we have not gone all-out to
provide material support for the hordes fighting in the streets of the middle East to rid themselves of corrupt and brutal dictators. It is not for lack of zeal,
but lack of capacity. Our plate is full with two indigestible wars, sending aid to
nations devastated by natural disasters, and recession in our economy. All financed by borrowing and printing money, not by fair and universal taxes.
We can no longer be the major provider and guarantor of Liberte, Egalite,
Fraternite to the downtrodden of the world.
The countries in the middle East were once colonies of the European powers
and became independent as a result of European wars. The European Union
is closer to them geographically, politically, economically and culturally, and
more dependent on their oil than are we. They must accept the challenge to
bring freedom to their former colonies. We must concentrate on restoring our
economy to a sound foundation, then we may sometime again be the major player on the world stage.

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