Thursday, December 23, 2010


This month marks two full years of my blogging. My greatest satisfactions are the many with whom I have become friends and from whom I learned much.
I have watched myself become older, and society age as well, and have been struck by how little we have prepared for the changes that will result from a substantial growth in the elder population, and their increasing life span.
Those will affect every aspect of our society: What we eat, how we dress, how we travel or are transported. The places we shop will require modification, as will medical care, where and how we take our recreation, our politics, our libraries--
--everything about how and where we live our changed lives.
I have been asked to devote some of my time to designing a course that would train people in preparing for, and making the changes society will increasingly confront. I will do it pro bono to avoid tackling such a project in a period of government and
private charity austerity.
Are there any among my friends and readers who would find such a project of interest and would volunteer to participate? It will be a creative and learning experience.


jacquesmaxx said...

When I retired from IBM,I attended some sessions designed to help people with their new life in the areas of finance, interests,family relations,relocation and transition to our new life.
A recent retiree came to answer questions and the first one was:" Is there any advice you wish you had gotten?"
Yes, dont buy a new suit."

Jerry said...

Such a course would be most helpful, I'm certain. Count me "in".

jacquesmaxx said...

For some years I was an instructor in the organization. I think showing older people how to interface with the internet is nowadays a basic need well suited to sedentary people.
My best student was a 92year old lady. she did quite well to reunite online with her family and friends.