Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bulls--t from a Pundit!

I am as close to tears of frustration as I can get and still remain non-violent.
Charles Krauthammer published a column "The New Comeback Kid" in the Sunday Palm
Beach Post. In it he discusses the Great Tax Cut Deal of 2010, an important piece of legislation which was enacted last week. The column is a classic, revealing example of the corruption of bias that has infected the journalism profession. He concerns
himself with the POLITICAL MANEUVERING by Obama and the Republicans, by which he outwitted them and gained a political victory which enables him to recover his
support among liberals. He holds that by the political ineptness of the Republicans
they have allowed Obama to regain political credibility and he is again a viable and likely re-electable president.
Nowhere does he devote any meaningful expression to the merits or failings of the
legislation, or its effects on our rapidly approaching bankruptcy. He does drop a
few words of complaint that the benefits to the unemployed and the beleaguered
middle class are another $300B stimulus adding to the deficit.
Krauthammer and his ilk are so poisoned against Obama that the possibility he may
be an effective president during the remainder of his first term, thus helping the nation in a critical time, petrifies them. How about some good old fashioned PATRIOTISM Charlie???

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