Monday, July 5, 2010

Playing with fire!

Each day I encounter propaganda, from left and right, which makes me think common
sense and reason are rapidly disappearing commodities in human behavior. The political temperature has risen to fever level and the
space between left and right in America
has become a chasm which could become unbridgeable. It may lead to violent confrontations between factions who harbor powerful emotional but erroneous opinions which they are convinced are facts. Those convictions are reinforced by
contrary opinions from LIBERALS, or TEA PARTIERS, or CONSERVATIVES, or RACISTS.

The PROTOCALS OF ZION were ancient forgeries created to stir up violent anti-Jewish
attitudes. They were long ago and time and again proven false, but every year they
appear, as truth, in some anti-semetic tract or speech and are believed by millions.
Today forgeries of TV clips, or media articles are becoming common in the anti-Obama crowd. This morning I saw an NBC video purportedly showing President Obama admitting,
in a speech to journalists that he was not born in the U.S. and is not eligible to be President. When the opposition stoops to lies and forgeries where are we headed?
Is some sick political ploy worth surrendering our nation's integrity and credibility? STOP, think, weigh the consequences of dishonest debate to our
vaunted democracy! It is too high a price!

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

It is sad to see on Tv, this summer of 2010, two political candidates trying to destroy the character of the other in a series of ads.
Neither of you deserves our vote with such a display of low vengeful character.