Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hold back the tide!

Immigration reform is now on the national stage, and as ever is the subject of more
rancor and partisan conflict than any of the other big legislative initiatives, including universal health insurance.
With thousands of miles of land border and coastline we can no better control the flow of immigrants than we can order the tides to stop.
The cycle of invasion by illegals parallels the state of the world economy. When ours is booming we are a magnet for the poor in other lands. Our entrepreneurs will
welcome, even assist, migrants to fill mostly laboring jobs. That labor enjoys no
protective labor and minimum wage laws. Most are paid in cash, the bulk of which they remit to families back in their home countries. Many are exploited
by substandard housing and living conditions. But there are some who are well treated. Some have taxes deducted from their wages even though they will never receive Social Security benefits.
Because of their illegal status they drive cars without driver licences or insurance.
If they are injured or ill, they use public hospital emergency services without payment.
If our economy slows, the tide reverses and they flow back to their home country.

The American people must recognize the vital contributions the illegals make to our economy and take measures to rationalize the flow and their status. We also need to take better control of our borders, recognizing that, at best we can only divert some areas of the tide. Let us do that in a rational and merciful manner. Provide
an opportunity for illegals to become legal and eventually citizens. If we manage our borders by temporary work permits, with employer cooperation, they and we can benefit from their labor while treating them humanely and respectfully.
We will be a nobler people for it.


jacquesmaxx said...

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

So is the inscription on the Statue of LIBERTY.

I recommend you rent and watch the movie EL NORTE.
It is not recent.
It gives a very good outlook on Hispanic immigrants.


jacquesmaxx said...

Thirty years ago I used to travel on business to the Naval Submarine Base in Newport Rhode Island to take care of their computer systems.
I remember reading the local paper where the Fruit Picker Union complalned that the fruit growers were hiring illegal Portuguese imigrants to do the work.
The situation was rectified.
However on my next trip I read that The Portuguese noncoms were back on the ladders picking apples in the cold freezing wind.
The union workers refused to work in such taxing conditions even at double the salary.
Many jobs are handled by non-union illegal immigrant workers.

Next time you attend the Grand Ball at the Breakers,realize that your busboy is working for next to nothing.
