Sunday, June 27, 2010

The CALIPH Rides again!

At the death of Muhammad in 632 two branches of his family claimed to be his heir
and sole legitimate disciples. Leadership alternated among a small group and the leader that emerged was given the title of Caliph and centered in Damascus. Over the
balance of the seventh and eighth centuries the Islamic culture flourished. Great advances were made in Medicine, mathematics, science--particularly architecture,
literature and art. As a result their influence grew in many quarters of the ancient world. From the eighth to the tenth century the caliph used military power to expand
his empire to many parts of No. Africa, the Iberian peninsula, Persia, the Hindus valley, and Asia. But their rule was benign. They did not try to execute control from
Damascus but allowed the local chieftains to continue day to day rule. They allowed
freedom of worship and freedom of local customs, including for the Jews. Their
occupation left many architectural jewels throughout the lands they controlled,
particularly Iberia.
The Caliphate gradually succumbed to a series of external invasions, by the Mongols,
Ottomans and even Russians and was forced to shrink back to its state as of the eighth century. In the following centuries they began a decline and became a backwater of culture, confined to the middle East.
The hostility of Europe, manifested by the Crusades, turned Islam to isolation, the rejection of all Western culture, and beliefs, and transformed Islam into a militant,
proselyting, enemy of all things modern and Western.

Now the militant Muslims are embarked on a campaign, to restore the Caliphate, not by force of arms, but by the power of numbers, and using the liberal democratic
foundations of Western society to subvert and undermine the indigenous populations
in the lands they are "invading".
Today there are an estimated 54 million Muslims in Western Europe and Scandinavia.
In each city where they settle they establish a ghetto in which it becomes hostile for non-Muslims to live, or even visit.
Their rate of propagation is so high they will
in one or two decades outnumber the population native to that country. Such a large
disciplined bloc of voters is tempting to politicians who court them by allowing them
privileges and political rights not available to the native citizens These include
the right to be governed by Sharia law instead of the constitutional Civil code; the right to attend private religious schools and pay no taxes for public schools; the
right to receive free public health care because paying for insurance is gambling and
forbidden by the Koran. They change the skylines by constructing imposing mosques
not in keeping with neighboring architecture and in all ways resist assimilating into
the country that welcomed them. Most of the funds to support their migration, their schools, madrases and mosques come from Saudi Arabia, that most regressive, misogynist medieval kingdom. Their purpose is conversion and/or control.
Their conquest of Europe is now certain. We in the U. S. are the final prize and we
can see the beginnings of an Islamic invasion in places like So. Florida and the middle West. We need to start thinking of a vaccine for the disease to come.

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

Like all good little French children going to school in France I learned at an early age that on October 19 732 Charles Martel, the King of the Franks, stopped the invasion of the Infidels from Spain near Poitiers (in the Loire valley).
All history tests in grammar school in France include this event as a question.