Monday, July 19, 2010

Buried treasure

The latest financial reports of major companies reveal that many have enjoyed robust
earnings and accumulated large hoards of cash. It would seem logical that they would
put that cash to work, in the classic capitalistic fashion, to expand their ventures,
increase their market share, and earn greater returns for their stockholders. Such
reinvestment would create jobs in the private sector, which in turn increase demand--
all good for business. But this has not happened. It would be useful to learn why.

We can assume there exists a substantial lack of confidence in the fiscal policy of
the government, particularly as to taxes and deficit spending. The size of our
trade and budget deficits threaten the value of the dollar as the medium of exchange in international finance.
The continuing crisis in the real estate markets has eroded the asset base which supported our consumption based economy. Our failure as a nation to address our
reliance on imported petroleum bloats our deficit, further devaluing the dollar. Add to the above a dysfunctional Congress which cannot meaningfully address any of
these problems, and they all appear to explain the corporate decisions to hoard cash
and not hire. In the immediate future this might seem logical. In the long term this
policy is a recipe for extinction. Other developed countries will not sit on their
hands, or cash. They will capture our markets, domestic and foreign, and we will stagnate.
Where are the vaunted American enterprise, ingenuity, and boldness of yore when we desperately need them? Where is the leader who can inspire and motivate our business leaders to innovate and accept risk to seek reward? Our greatest danger may come from
playing it safe.


Jerry said...


Please advise your followers that they need to compose their comments in a local application such as Notepad or Wordpad (PC) or TextPad or TextWrangler (Mac) then recall the blog in their browser to respond or comment on your posts. only allows a short, 10-minute period to comment before is invalidates any possible commentary.

Five times in the past couple of weeks I have attempted to offer commentary and been refused because the session "timed out" without warning.


Jerry said...

I don't have enough time to say what I really want to mention but, please, accept this as my ultimate comment; GREED!

We, Americans, are somehow comfortable with being jaded and rely on GREED because we all understand that.

If things are not the way we want them to be we default to our spoiled attitude and opt for a position of ego first and everything else next (or last).

That is a formula for continued failure for our culture and we see evidence of that formulary everyday in our domestic and international affairs.

Let's learn to get serious about world harmony and multi-cultural respect before the clock runs out of time for all of us!


Jerry said...

I will be brief to ensure my thoughts become fodder for further commentary...

The United States...
1) are NOT united as they may have been at some time in the past. We are now compelled to be as party-connected as possible to ensure further successes in "down-stream" issues (possibly not yet defined, also). There is nothing important in that position but we, U.S. citizens somehow believe such a position is justifiable -B.S.!

2) currently have no defined policy or preference that excludes the masses and their communal requirements which may or may not bear any relevance to our national interests. Our objective should be to DEFINE the objective and establish rules for applying the rule as various (recognizable) issues arise. [After more than 200 years as an independent nation we must, surely, have some idea of what makes sense according to our ideals. If that is not true we need to recognize the need for a social revolution - our very lives and the lives of our offspring depend on social order.]

I cannot support any "business as usual" approach to these kinds of issues. Either we formulate a culturally-correct position and enforce it or we throw out the notion of having any intelligent way of dealing with such issues. Since we long ago determined to be policeman to the world's issues we need to make a rational determination. We have become FULLY EXPECTED to have a solid foundation of belief. If that is not the case we must be mature enough to search for suitable ways of divesting ourselves from the problems of others (we have always considered less sophisticated) because their issues will continue to overwhelm us.

Let's grow up and recognize we are never going to be more than a single cog on the wheel of humanity. We DO NOT define humanity or civil or economic rights because we are, perhaps the most guilty of ignoring these issues for nearly all of our existence. We ARE however, a member of the human experience and probably, better equipped to resolve silly, colloquial issues that cause division in political and economic venues - we are very capable of suggesting corrections to anyone's problems but not our own.

What's the benefit of being so smug?

We need INTELLIGENCE and LEADERSHIP in all these emerging issues. Is there anyone willing to vie for that daunting responsibility???


jacquesmaxx said...

Blog entries may be long enough to make the point. But comments should be twitteresque in their brevity.

I have been teaching the easy transfer of text for many years.
1. Write your dissertation with your favorite Word Processor.
2. Select (highlight) ALL text with Ctrl + A
3. Copy the selected (highlighted) text to an invisible clipboard with Ctrl + C
4. Go to your comment space, ready to type, but then drop your clipboard there with Ctrl + V.

