Friday, May 28, 2010

Oil and Water Don't Mix!

The Gulf oil leak has been with us for some five weeks. I have refrained from commenting about it because the implications are so profound. I wanted to get my mind around the facts and scope before entering the arena.
The disaster is so immense, with enormous effects on the planet and all life forms, it is time for the American people to grow up and face the consequences of their addiction to cheap, carbon based energy.

Because the leak is at such sea depth, much of the oil may not surface and affect
shore lines, beaches and estuaries, where it would be easy, and expensive, to clean
up. Huge quantities will remain in deep water plumes, travelling long distances before settling on reefs, spawning grounds and protected nesting sites. This will alter the food chain upon which so much life on the planet depends. Plankton, Krill,
tiny herrings, reef eggs will become scarce or disappear. This will impact
further up the chain and is vital to our survival. Our health will be affected, as will what we eat , how much we pay for it. Our access to cheap energy will be limited
because deep sea drilling will face severe restrictions.
If ever there was a time to mobilize America for an all-out effort to convert to
renewable, clean energy, whatever the cost, this is the moment. In WWII we assembled
scientists and industrialists in the Manhattan Project, which produced the atom
bomb and gave us victory. The stakes in the oil leak crisis are even higher. The future of mankind could depend on our success.


jacquesmaxx said...

On this day of May 28, Marty makes us realize with his usual verve and vim that our nation has a huge problem: The Gulf oil spurt is a calamity.
In view of the profound implications, allow me a longer than usual comment.
Tonight the NBC TV news devoted half of its program to the problem, interviewing the mayor of Grand Isle in Louisiana who was asking for a solution from our “commander-in chief”. The reporting showed our stunned President at the edge of the water looking at oil blobs, now forty days after the event started.
Part of the problem is that the government agencies responsible for acting on such events surmised that the leak would be plugged in reasonable time and that they could then take measures to cleanup and do a “Fema” on the problem. Not so. Gross miscalculation and lack of forsight. Maybe these bureaucrats believed that it is possible to cap volcanoes!!
Same failure from the White House. Right after the catastrophe occurred, President Obama should have declared a state of national emergency to mobilize all efforts to contain the disaster. A czar to formulate a plan and coordinate the efforts of all implicated parties should have been nominated no later than day 3, more than a month ago.
Just like our administration’s, Obama’s attitude was shortsighted and naive. Central management of the disaster comes too late. His lack of foreboding will reflect badly on his presidency.

As suggested by Marty: “If ever there was a time to mobilize America for an all-out effort to convert to renewable, clean energy, whatever the cost, this is the moment.”

This is also the moment to implement my standing proposal from long ago to reduce our consumption of energy, often ridiculed by many people.
It is as follows:
• the price of gasoline is now $10 a gallon - except for emergency and public transportation. (Plan your trips; share rides; use the train)
• the price of electrical energy is tripled (keep your summer A/C thermostat at 80 degreesø, take cold showers)
• all extra money is collected into a superfund available to reduce our debt and deficit.

With our wallets thusly attacked on the front line, this straightforward plan should cause a substantial reduction of our energy consumption - probably by half - and help solve both at the same time our nation’s money problems and our dependency on foreign oil.

Instead, on this Memorial Day week end, 32 million cars will be on the road. The normal A/C settings in South Florida homes will remain at 77 degrees.

It is now during this current state of national emergency caused by the Gulf environmental disaster that it should be possible for a determined and strong President to implement the above decrees on gas and electric cost

Here is a chance to Redeem yourself, Barak.


jacquesmaxx said...

Very justly Marty mentions the need for “clean renewable energy”.
I remember years ago, when I was in the military service, there were stationary bicycles hooked up to a generator to produce electric power in the field for communications. They still exist, most likely improved.

Nowadays we use exercise bikes and other contraptions in our homes to maintain our stamina and endurance. Why not convert those various exercise machines to generate power to keep our refrigerator and TVs going.
No running on the bike, no TV viewing tonight!