Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Throw the bums out!

The anti-incumbent tide is approaching full flow, and rightly so. Since the Obama
election congress has calcified into gridlock, and the nation's business has
been neglected, replaced by petty partisan vendettas. As a result crises which
could be ameliorated by concerted action by both parties in both houses, have continued to fester and become worse, weakening the nation at home and abroad.
The general public, suffering the damaging effects of losses---jobs, savings, homes, retirement income, health insurance, security, and pride, have turned angry, and ugly. Many have turned against the one entity, government, that can offer any chance of changing things. There is a longing to return to the "good old days" of
rugged individualism--every man able to take care of himself and his family. But that
world disappeared with the telegraph and sailing ships.

If changing the guard in Congress would lead to meaningful, cooperative action
among members, the tide would be positive. It appears however that the replacement
senators and representatives are primarily rabble rousing, narrow minded,
who sought election by stirring people to be "against" things, not for things
that would bring us together. Discord is mounted on a run-away horse and will hold sway for some time. Does that hold out the prospect of making things better for America?

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

With the bickering and animosity of the current electioneering we must ask : “Are political candidates worthy of our vote?”
My school for US Representative candidates is open to any one fairly good looking with a good voice and posture and the ability to recite convincingly canned general statements on any subject without really saying anything definite.
Our two month class teaches candidates to never say yes or no on any subject; it gives them a list of safe non committal statements on any subject. They are rehearsed in feigning convincing amnesia on their previous embarrassing opinions (before they took the class).
Above all, they are trained to project confidence and authority. You want that person to represent you. . Does the candidate belong to a party you like? Unimportant. The candidate may switch party before the election. You give him-her your support to solve all your problems as he-she stands before you with a presidential assurance.
Image in our country brings in the votes.