Friday, April 9, 2010


That is the word that describes the political attitudes poisoning our land today
A growing body of negatively charged particles is accumulating around one pole
of our landscape. At the opposite pole a critical mass of positively charged particles is building. At some point they will impact each other in a nuclear
reaction in which an enormous amount of destructive energy will be released. The
damage to our social contract will be significant, perhaps exceeding our capacity for
repair with our increasingly scarce resources.
The negative particles have turned from peaceful, somewhat reasoned oppposition
to a more violent form of anger. They are against any and all government imposed
discipline, whether established to promote the common wellbeing or to help citizens in need. It matters not that they are the beneficiaries of many such government
programs and would fight to the death to preserve them. The connection evades them.

The positive particles have concluded that Government exists to eliminate all
the travails that afflict us. They promote the public welfare by public funds, without regard to whether such funds exist. If they do not, they can be created
by the printing press, or borrowing from less profligate countries. In the process
we enter a slippery slope to third world status.

This dilemma could be resolved by joint discusssion, exploration and compromise.
But the particles are so highly charged that they cannot even approach one another without triggering an explosion. Can we find a neutralizing agent to dissipate the
charges and rejoin the particles into a benign molecule?

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

How true it is to describe the current situation in our country as a destructive state of political animosity like two opposite electric charges ready to explode when they meet. A proposed solution: “This dilemma could be resolved by joint discusssion, exploration and compromise.”
Alas! A dilemma (Greek δί-λημμα "double proposition") is a problem offering at least two solutions or possibilities, of which none are practically acceptable.
Still at a time when our leader is meeting with the leader of the next world power –China- , our citizens should bury their domestic hatchet at least temporarily and present the picture of a great united nation – the United States - ready to continue to rule the world.
Maybe this respite would bring back the domestic political factions to reason. It could be the “neutralizing agent to dissipate the charges and rejoin the particles into a benign molecule.”
How about a truce?!!