Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Damn the Nation, Full Stop Ahead!

Instead of pitching in and helping implement the health care reform and making
it work efficiently, the sore-losers Republicans have shown their true colors.
Their purpose has been to oppose and obstruct the President's agenda for turning
this nation from its slide into bankruptcy and third world status. This for the
narrow end of making his a failed presidency. That such a strategy
will cause irreparable harm to the nation is of no concern to those power obsessed
neanderthals. One of the leading Republican figures, Presidential candidate John
McCain said publically that there will be no further Republican cooperation in trying to solve the critical problems we must still deal with for the rest of this year. Holding the welfare of the nation hostage to petty political goals reveals the
true nature of his party. How Sad. How mean spirited. How Dangerous.

We still face enormously complicated problems affecting the very survival of this
nation as a capitalist democracy. The growing, crippling deficit will reach a point of no return soon, but in order to pull the economy out of the worst, intractable
recession in 80 years, we will still have to resort to deficit pump priming.
We are fully engaged in two foreign wars which we finance by cutting taxes on the wealthy, something done in no earlier wars.
Unemployment is rising and persistent, causing millions to lose their homes,
savings and future security. The foreclosure deluge has devastated neighborhoods, depressed housing values, shut off construction, adding to unemployment.
Our reliance on imported oil is a punitive surcharge on our economy, weakening the
dollar, fouling our environment, and driving us ever deeper into debt and dependancy
on China and the Oil sheikdoms.
Our educational system has become third rate compared to the other developed countries and to the Asian steamrollers. As a result our technological lead has
largely disappeared. I could go on listing more problems, but the point is made;
the Republicans intend to offer NO COOPERATION toward solving any of the above, so says their Presidential candidate. Is that attitude statesmanship? Is it worthy
of a party that wants to take over control of our government? Are they mature politicians, or spoiled brats who, if they can't win, won't play?
They are assassins of a system of governing which served us well for more than two centuries and made us a shining beacon of liberty and prosperity to the world.
That beacon is being extinguished!

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