Saturday, September 5, 2009

Presidential suicide pact.

As with Presidents Johnson, G. Bush, Jack Kennedy, Obama is embarked on a suicide mission for his presidency, and for the nation. All in pursuit of the chimera, begun
under George Bush, that America is destined to convert to
Jeffersonian democracy the most primitive, tribal, societies in the world, and to prevent the victory of radical economic
ideologies or alien theocracies, wherever they raise their heads. All our missions of this nature have led to disastrous defeats, at enormous costs in lives and treasure, and shattered the cohesion and amity among our people. We are on a slippery slope to third world status, and have squandered the resources, human and capital, to reverse the trend.
Listening to the military, and the super patriots hawks, Obama is about to increase
our troops committment to Afghanistan, in support of a corrupt, cynical government
which exercises no control over any part of a non-existant state structure.
We will use an exhausted military, fighting at an enormously extended logistical distance, in a hostile, unfamiliar theatre, for a cause in which the native population has neither interest or experience. It is an effort which other empires
have tried before, with similar outcomes. We are rightly perceived in the region as alien invaders, and our only "allies" are the people we bribe.
No matter how long we remain there, we will never make any permanent impact for
change, and when we finally leave all traces of our presence will disappear into the desert sands as did the other empires.
Let us declare victory and get the hell out of there. Then we can relieve our brave soldiers, and rebuild the military, while we rebuild our shattered economy.

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