Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bribe our way out of Afghanistan?

In my blog "Presidential Suicide Pact" dealing with our dilemma in Afghanistan,
published September 5th, I advocated that we "get the hell out of there" because,
among other reasons, our only allies in the country were the people we bribed. Allies
that are for sale are not a foundation for nation building.
Fareed Zakaria, editor of the International Edition of NEWSWEEK, and a frequent
commentator on the Sunday morning TV news programs, published an incisive article
in the September 12th issue entitled "The Way out of Afghanistan". He recognizes
that our attempt to build a self sufficient nation of Afghanistan by military force
would fail. He recommends that we bribe the Pashtun tribes, of which President Karzai is a member, and who though corrupt enjoys Pashtun support, to reach an accomodation with the Taliban, thus achieving a degree of control.
Hopefully that would enable that agglomeration of tribes to act as a stable, if impoverished, nation. That is an idea worth consideration. The questions associated with it are weighty and have serious implications for the U. S.
Who will fund the bribing? How much will be required? For how long? Who will
control and distribute the funds? To whom? How long will we be involved? How will we
judge success? How will we insure accountability in a sink of corruption?
Does the administration have the political muscle to implement such a policy? Will the American public accept a deal paying bribes to Afghans?

Would such a deal be better than getting the hell out of there?

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

Bribing is done by the Us in many nations. It is commonly known by the euphemism "Foreign Aid".