Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Duped Again!

In the Health Care debate we have seen the power of the new cummunication technology.
HARRY AND LOUISE have morphed into pundits and writers in the thrall of corporate
special interests, whose sole aim is to retain the profitable status quo, without regard for the damage done to the public and the economy.
These interests have embarked on a fear campaign that exceeds in scope the Harry and Louise strategy. Not only have they revived the bogey-man of Socialism, they have
upped the ante by the spurious claim that seniors will be "executed" in some manner
to control the costs of providing health care to everyone.
Particularly onerous is their use of the Big Lie technique, in which they present
a completely unlikely disaster scenario and employ so-called objective authorities
to make it sound plausible. By funding overwhelming amounts of fear propaganda, they enlist normally rational people into their campaign.
The facts are that for millions of our citizens the private health insurance system
has been a DISMAL FAILURE. Not only has it put many businesses into danger of failing, it has resulted in corruption of the system of dispensing care at all levels. As a side effect it has stimulated the growth of a tort system which in
turn causes the practice of defensive medicine, which inflates costs and malpractice insurance premiums.
Insurance is supposed to operate on the principles of spreading the risk and sharing the costs among large numbers. Is it insurance to deny coverage to millions who
may allready be in need, and to price it out of reach of more millions? No, that is
exploitation of a corrupt system. If it were otherwise would the nation be perpetually confronting a health care crisis?
How ironic that the victims of the system are enlisted in perpetuating it.


Unknown said...

Sounds good to me. A clear up front presentation of the economic facts of the case widely disseminated would be a boon to everyone. Verifiable facts, and specifics calling names and citing sources.
Do you think that you could write that? Frank

Marty's Blog said...

I'll try.