Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Washington, keep your f....g hands off my health care (A Satire)

Any rational discussion of the health care financing problem has been submerged beneath a fog of propaganda, dishonesty and fear mongering. Lets get to the heart of the matter: As long as the PURCHASER of the health care is not the main PAYER for the care, there will never be effective cost control. Such a system is welfare based, not market based. The for-profit insurance companies make it market based
by controlling what care they will pay for. That includes provisions for overhead, advertising, profit, perks and costly claims administration. Reducing premiums under such conditions is an oxymoron. Cost control can come either from limiting treatment, or selecting only clients with little likelihood of using services for many years to come.

Here is a suggestion: Remove all cost sharing methods, including Medicare, from the medical care scene and require everyone to pay for medical care from their own resources. If there are no resources there will be no care. If lack of care increases mortality that conversely lowers the number of persons to be cared for.
To compensate citizens for their new responsibility, payroll taxes for Medicare will no longer be collected. Medicaid and state insurance for poor children will be eliminated so state and federal taxes will be further reduced. As private insurance will be ended, the billions in premiums, overhead and profits will reside with individual citizens. Government assistance will be limited to a burial allowance,
perhaps $500, as a reward for getting the government out of the health care business.

Of course, such a radical change will have a severe impact on bureaucracies within government at all levels, on insurance companies, and health care providers. But we are an infallible Capitalist society, and we know the market, on its own, will adjust and set things right! And BIG, SOCIALIST, INTRUSIVE GOVERNMENT will have gotten out of a large part of our lives!

1 comment:

Leo said...

There is another way to reduce costs and its already being done by Mayo, Cleveland Clinic and other such excellent providers. Their secret: Their doctors are on salary with no incentive to do anything other than practice good medicine. Eventually, thats the way medical care will be delivered and paid for in this country. Fee for service medicine is unsustainably for any but the rich. There will be a two tier system. Medicare for all and concierge medicine for those that can afford it. We probably will not live long enough to see it but its inevitable.