Saturday, August 8, 2009

Assisted Suicide

The tumultuous protesters at the health care town hall meetings have a death wish which was created within them by the skilled, completely unscrupulous health insurers.
Sadly, they don't recognize their peril, and the blatant contradictions in the propaganda they have swallowed. They have been indoctrinated with false fears. For example they are told that an OPTIONAL public insurance system will result in health care rationing. In reality it is the for-profit insurers that are at this very moment doing the rationing! They tell the physicians and hospitals what treatment they can provide, which and how many test procedures they will pay for. They even
will refuse to pay for life saving treatment if, in their opinion, the costs of treatment are not balanced by the value of the continued life!!!!!
And there is no regulatory authority that can hold them to account.
Also, is it not rationing to deny insurance to those who have a pre-existing condition, no matter how trivial or how long in the past? Or to price it out of reach of millions, who have no alternative?
In my career as an actuary, involved with the insurance industry, never have I seen such predatory practices as in the health care reform process, and never have I encountered such widespread public gullibility against their own best interests!

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

The medical insurance companies have powerful lobbies sometimes using paid angry hecklers.
Lobbying is intense by all players in the health field.
One group supporting the screamers is Freedom Works run by lobbyist Dick Armey at the DLA Piper law firm.In the last five years more than $6 million has been paid to Armey by medical and drug companies.