Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thunder on the Right

There has been a marked upsurge of bitter, threatening articles, talk show screeds,
and circulating Emails denouncing President Obama, and his policies at home and
abroad. They contain accusations of treason, conspiring with Muslims to undermine
this nation, betraying our ally Israel, deliberately bankrupting the nation, and replacing our Capitalist system with Socialism.
Some writers are advocating turning to guns to undo the election miscarriage which
brought us a black Muslim President. Such talk arouses the fringe nut cases like the
ones who murder physicians, museum guards, police officers and even presidents
with whom they differ, or against whom they have some imagined grievance.
From some investigation, it appears that many of the disgruntled writers and ranters are GOD fearing, white, pistol packing papas and mammas who voted for someone else
and can't recover from the loss. Many of them feel that their party, or cult, has
a GOD given mandate to govern this country and they intend to do so, by force if necessary. Persuasion is for sissy liberals (who are ashamed of our country anyway).
The bad economic times add to their stress, and could easily push them into rash
action. That would be the ultimate betrayal of our democratic ideals and values.
They would destroy the nation to "save" it. If there are any rational leaders of
this radical movement. now is the time for them to demonstrate some leadership
to calm the brewing storm.

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