Sunday, November 14, 2010

Musings Redux

Shakespeare said so aptly "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players". That set me to wondering who were the playwrights, the librettists, the
composers and directors? In my long, inquiring life I have witnessed, and participated in countless performances, the vast majority innocuous and forgotten.
But at times there was a HIT, that changed lives, even the path of history. Each of
us bit players can remember some on both a personal scale, and as well as societal.

If we all had labeled a bean for each such HIT, and put it in a lifetime jar, how
informative it would be, from time to time, to compare the contents of our jars.
Would they agree in the majority, or disclose differences in importance, values and
circumstances? What a fascinating exercise to relate the relationships of our varied life experiences to the differences between the contents of the jars.
How much we would learn of the human condition. This could be a subject for a book,
which I have too little time left to write. Perhaps one of you among my readers would give it a thought?

1 comment:

Jerry said...

You, sir, have perhaps unwittingly already begun the task of writing such a master work. Each of your musings causes the rest of us to relate, mimic, or translate in our own way thus planting that "bean" and enjoying the fruit it yields.

In this way the story never ends and all of us see the value of collecting at least two "beans"; one to save and another to share.

Free and honest dialog is the grease of humanity. How the world's cultures can continue ignoring such truth on an interactive basis will always trouble me.

Thank you for the "beans" you so freely offer.