Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fork in the road

A dispassionate observer of the American scene today could be led to conclude that
events are going one way, and our response is going in the opposite direction.
Our economic and international problems are becoming larger while the vision and minds of the people we hired to face them are growing smaller.
Many segments of the economy are stagnant. Unemployment stays stubbornly high. The
national debt is growing on steroids, devoted to unproductive activities. The sums of money to fund nine years of senseless, and perhaps unending wars would have been enough to provide middle class jobs to everyone willing to work. Even if those jobs were in the public sector, such as restoring and building infra-structure, the long term effects would be enormously beneficial. They would more than compensate for any slow down in the military-industrial complex.
A simple cost-benefit analysis would disclose that there are no benefits justifying our wars. The costs include the damages to the American economy and psyche, all of which delight our enemies and benefit our competitors. If our competitors could vote in our election, they would make the Republicans and blue-dog Dems the overwhelming
controlling force in our government, a fifth column. This mid-term election could very well turn out to be a coup d'etat in which reason and intellect
could be banished from the national and local governments.

1 comment:

Jerry said...

I don't currently anticipate a "coup d'etat" although I was hoping for something similar just days ago.

If even one office under contention could have provided seemingly intelligent candidates I would have been comfortable with "status quo" but that, small amount of encouragement has not shown up thus far and will probably become smaller in these final hours before the polls open.

Thanks in large part to the decision of a completely incompetent U.S. Supreme Court the only definitive opinions are coming from third party groups funded by literally any anonymous entity with money to spend without restriction. As a result the normally passive American public has come to believe this election has no value at all which means either they will not vote or they will vote according to the names they hear or see in the continuous stream of ads these organizations are using. (This year the normal 15-20% voter turnout will likely be displaced by media zombies who have been brain-washed to parrot the names that echo in their empty heads every day.)

It is my expectation to wake up on Wednesday morning to find that only the worst possible choices will have been declared "winners".

What a sad state of affairs this has become!