Sunday, August 22, 2010

Setting the record straight

There seems to be some confusion about my stand in the Mosque at Ground Zero
controversy. I accept the blame for not clearly distinguishing between the
Mosque siting, and the Caliphate agenda of militant Islam.

Establishing a Mosque on any site in the U. S. that conforms with zoning laws
is a constitutional right. The public relations impact is a separate matter and
must be considered by the congregation---it is not an acceptable ground for others
to try to bar the edifice. That would be censorship of the right to practice whatever
religion you choose. There are limits, for example human or animal sacrifice.

Islam is a proselyting religion. That is not unique. There is a significant segment within it who believe it is a divine order to convert or conquer non-believers, infidels, by whatever means---force, intimidation, deception, persuasion. There exist wide schisms within militant Islam which play out in murderous Muslim on
Muslim violence. The West becomes an enemy of some sect if it shows support for
another. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

One of the most militant, regressive sects are the Wahhabi's, centered in Saudi Arabia. Their goal is to reestablish the Caliphate which dominated large parts
ot the world in the 8th to 10th centuries. It is that sect and that country which
are subverting Europe, and want to do the same here. That is what I caution against.
All religions are welcome and protected in our country. None is welcome to alter
our culture for theocratic purposes.


jacquesmaxx said...

Marty is quite correct: "All religions are welcome and protected in our country."

Time Magazine asks on its cover this week: "is America Islamophobic? Below is my answer in a Letter to the Editor.

"Of course we are all islamophobic.
Just like the "Japs" after Pearl Harbor, we now have the Hadjis after 9/11 and Iraq.
Every day tens of thousands of Americans in this country are reminded of it when they have to shed their outer clothes. Their personal belongings are searched. Their drinks and cosmetics are confiscated. They must take off their shoes. They are finally x-rayed.
Of course Americans curse those Arab terrorists who park car bombs on Times Square or walk out of their quarters at Fort Hood and start killing their colleagues.
Of course. Who would not be islamophobic.?"


jacquesmaxx said...

Muslim Invasions

The battle of Poitier in France in 731 in the Loire valley is a victory by the Frank King, Charles Martel over the muslims of Abd el Rahman. It is the symbol of the fight against the Arab invasion of Europe after their conquest of North Africa and of Spain. It marks the high tide of the Muslim invasion of Europe and of their expansion in Occident.
Similarly the unsuccessful Siege of Vienna in 1529 led by Suleiman the Magnificent, to capture the city marks the maximum extent of Ottoman expansion in central Europe .

Is the New York Mosque of 2010 the high mark of the attempt by Muslims to capture our American civilization?
