Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful.......

.......and its in the wrong place. The drought ridden Western and Pacific Coastal states are where the record snows should be falling. We Easterners enjoy a little of the white stuff. Enough for our kids to play in, enough to make postcard pretty scenes, and to give us rosy cheeks, but not too much inconvenience, please. We like
it also because winter clothing is chic while at the same time making us appear rugged and outdoorsy. Too much snow causes us to spend more clearing roads, streets, and power lines, than budgeted. It makes us stay home more, and depend on our own resources for entertainment, while temporarily depriving us of the fast foods experience. All those consequences are at the least inconvenient, even painful to some.

And yet, it reminds us that mother nature is boss on our planet, and cautions us to avoid interfering too much in her affairs. She can administer brutal punishment for
that. We ignore that caution at our peril.

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