Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Take the broom to the gloom!

Events in the country, and everywhere in the world, have cast a pall of gloom
over what is meant to be a season of love, hope and good will to all. The media in
all forms has fed us a steady stream of violence and despair, all of it real. This blog has also been, with only a few exceptions, a catalogue of ills, which I regret,
but wouldn't change. So in keeping with the season let me remind myself and my
loyal readers of some positives to celebrate.

In the face of an unprecedented worldwide recession America survives, and a compassionate people and government have mobilized to pull ourselves from the brink.
A raucous and angry debate over health care reform indicates that there is still
dynamism in our democracy. Community and individual acts of charity have rescued
many from extreme hardship. We are a nation which gives of our treasure to
people in many less fortunate lands, despite our own national needs.

When frightened or bitter zealots produce hate tracts or commit acts of violence
or vandalism against people with whom they disagree, or look for someone or group
to blame for their condition, voices of reason and amity arise to give the lie,
and to urge harmony in place of rancor. There is a foundation of mutual altruism
which undergirds our national diversity. Thankfully the bad times haven't eroded that.

But the most hopeful sign is many of us realize the danger bad times pose for our
democratic system, and have avoided extreme measures which would threaten it.
America, the land of immigrants, the melting pot of humanity, the once light unto
the nations, still holds its light up to the world. We are a work in progress,
but our eyes are on the stars. We shall overcome, and thrive once again.

1 comment:

jacquesmaxx said...

Yes indeed we should pause and give thanks in this season of the year-end Holidays. From time immemorial man has celebrated the Winter Solstice. Technically, for this year, mark the event for December 21st at 5:47PM.
You can choose to celebrate Yalda or Saturnalia, Karachum, Hanukkah, Kwanza or just Yule.
Peace on earth and Good Will toward men.