Monday, November 30, 2009

Senators, Have you no Shame?

That now famous question electrified the Senate when it was flung at Sen. Jos. McCarthy during the hearings on his censure, and possible expulsion. The "prosecutor", appalled and fed up with McCarthy's continual
falsehoods and bluster, used it to finally make clear to the assembled senators
the reasons for the hearing, and the dangers to our liberty that
McCarthy's tactics posed.

The Republican National Committee is planning to impose a "loyalty oath" to
the most hard conservative party line for any candidate who seeks their
support. Their tactics in the Health Care reform debate depend on false
and misleading accusations about the administration's intent and what the
consequences of the bill will be. They have reincarnated McCarthy!
The hearings have become a comic opera with the libretto composed by the
insurance industry. If reform fails the insurance industry will have a pipeline
to siphon even more money from the pockets of government, businesses, and private
citizens. Having sold their souls for a pocket of gold, I ask "Senators, have you no shame?"

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