Friday, October 16, 2009

Congress, Pay for Results

The nation is faced with a multitude of critical problems, every one of which is leading to serious consequences for the nation and for our citizens if not resolved.
And Congress is effectively paralyzed by petty partisanship, or by obligations to masters who have payed them to vote their way. If their way was the people's way the problems would get solved, but such is not the case.

If government were a private enterprise, our congressmen, who are after all employees of the people, would be fired, and replaced with fresh talent not yet polluted by the money in politics. But we don't have an open enrollement season for
politicians. We get to elect (hire or fire) them only every two or four years, time enough for them to do irreparable harm. And they earn their salary and perks whether or not they produce useful legislation. That offers a possible avenue for forcing
improved performance in the peoples interests.

Let us amend the constitution to eliminate salaries for lawmakers. PUT THEM ON COMMISSION, related to the quantity and quality of legislation they produce, with bonuses for solving problems. The bonuses and rates of commission would be set by
public referendum at the end of each session, with the right of appeal if the pols
can make a case to justify a higher rate. In sum, we pay for PERFORMANCE in the public interest, as determined by the public.

Of course this is an impossible dream. But imagine the jolt that just raising such a radical idea would administer to the politicos who now treat the public with contempt!

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